Training Your Coffee Taste

Training Your Coffee Taste

Many people take pictures with their phones before eating, and are used to eating unconsciously, without visual assistance, do you know what you eat?

Taste life, starting with taste training, let you eat and drink every bite to enrich your life experience! No matter what role you are, training taste and learning to test coffee cups will help enhance life taste and sensory ability.

Cup testing is an important skill for a bean dryer to assess the properties of the beans you get and the results of your baking. For a barista, you have to go through a cup test to get the beans you want. For consumers, you don't have to have a cup test, but if you have a cup test, you will be more able to cherish and taste coffee, not only to understand its complex flavors but also to identify the defects caused by handling and roasting.

As a coffee lover, do you know what low-caffeine coffee is exactly?

As long as you have a cup test, you will have a different feeling when you drink coffee.

This article will bring you to know the Cup Test and how to upgrade this part of your skills.

Identification Of Specific Flavors

It is often recommended that a coffee flavor wheel aid be used for cup measurements and that deletion is used to find out the flavor. First, make sure the coffee is nutty. If so, try to imagine what kind of nut it is. If there is no nutty flavor, may try to think about the fruit flavor. If so, is it biased towards citrus fruit or berries?

If you can't relate to flavor, it seems to have orange flavor and not, try to find inspiration from the flavor wheel.

You can share coffee brewing experiences and photos with other coffee lovers on social networks.

Developing Taste Ability

Developing taste is an ongoing topic, constantly drinking, tasting, cup testing, and trying to find out the flavor characteristics of each cup of coffee.

Even if you don't drink coffee, you can develop your taste, not just by eating unconsciously, but by trying to taste your food, feel its flavor, and try to store it in your brain at every chewing.

You can also do a blind test, well - known chef Gordon Ramsay's "Hell's Kitchen," the content of the show is really difficult! After eating the ingredients with blindfolded headphones, the contestant must name the ingredients. If you can clearly identify the flavor of the food, you can drink it more easily in coffee.

If you brew your own coffee, you must have purchased coffee. Do you know what the aroma label on coffee bags means?

Cup tests may seem difficult, but they can overcome the difficulty of taste recognition by practicing diligently. In addition, it's easy to build a coffee association database because coffee has more than a hundred different flavors, aromas, and tastes, and when you can tell these flavors, you'll have a whole new understanding of coffee! Start practicing tasting today!

Put Aside The Idea Of The Past

Before preparing for the cup table, make sure we have the right mindset.

Perhaps you prefer shallow to deep-baked, and for many boutique coffee lovers, it's like a steak like a five-and-a-seven ripening, not a full-ripening, but that doesn't mean you can't eat a delicious full-ripened steak (Or can't drink a delicious deep-roasted coffee), as long as we readily accept what this food is.

Do you brew delicious coffee for your breakfast? How do they taste? Here are several ways to improve your breakfast coffee to help you brew a tastier breakfast coffee.

When you drink coffee, don't think: "This coffee is deep-roasted, I must only drink the roasting flavor," instead you should open your heart to the deep-roasted coffee flavor.

As a coffee enthusiast, I judge every cup of coffee I drink. I judge not which ones I choose are bad, but what you drink.

Cup Test Essential List

Then let's have a cup test! The required list is as follows:

  • Spoon
  • Handjacket
  • Scales
  • Water
  • Several glasses or cup measuring bowls
  • Timer
  • Two Cup Spoon (Shape Approximates Spoon)
  • Grinder

Set The Cup Table

Moderate grinding of coffee (approximate to sand), with 10 grams of coffee powder in each bowl or glass, and remember to mark each cup to avoid mixing, and, if blind, use numbers or letters to mark coffee, thus helping to remove the effects of established impressions.

Then boil the hot water and inject 150ml of hot water into each cup and start timing.

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When hot water is injected for a short period of time, a layer of coffee powder floats on the surface of the cup, called coffee dregs, and after four minutes of soaking, the process of breaking the dregs is performed, which is the first stage of your evaluation of this cup of coffee - the aroma of coffee.

Place the spoon at the edge of the cup about two cents away, and get close to the cup to sniff and push the coffee grounds out with the spoon.

The scattering process is now complete, followed by scattering. Use two spoons to remove from the top of the liquid and try to avoid stirring coffee or picking out too much coffee.

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Start Tasting Coffee

Then came the highlight of the cup test: Taste coffee! But let the coffee cool slightly first, but if you can tolerate the heat, it's also important to start drinking and find the right way.

When you start measuring a cup, using a spoon to pick up a small amount of coffee for soaking can make a big noise, because it helps you soak air between coffee and your tongue to help you feel the taste.

After taking coffee, you can choose to drink it or spit it off. Most people will choose to spit out, so to avoid excessive caffeine intake, a cup can be measured with a cup of spit specifically used to spit coffee.

The procedure will take several rounds, and the flavor will change when the temperature of the coffee drops. Sometimes it's just a slight difference, but sometimes the flavor changes dramatically, mainly because our taste is affected by the temperature. When the cup is measured, coffee will continue to be extracted when the cup is measured.

Read More: What Is Decaffeinated Coffee? - Google Colab

Record Cup Test Score

Cup testing is not the only way to taste coffee, but it is suitable for evaluating coffee and giving points, not only to assess the quality of coffee but also to compare coffee room differences.

Usually, the cup meter has the following comments: sweetness, acidity, alcohol thickness, and balance. For beginners, these are the most important indicators to start with, and when you accumulate enough experience, you can easily distinguish between sweetness and acidic qualities.

Once you have established a taste database, you can identify coffee flavors more precisely, such as blackcurrant, which is common in Kenyan coffee.

As a coffee lover, do you know what a coffee flavor wheel is?